In het Taaltestcentrum kun je NT2-niveautoetsen voor jouw cursisten klaarzetten, afnemen en beoordelen.
De NT2-niveautoetsen zijn curriculumonafhankelijke toetsen en geven een uitslag over de verschillende vaardigheden (lezen, luisteren, schrijven en spreken) op A1, A2 en B1. Ze zijn gekoppeld aan de niveaus van het CEFR.
In our Language Test Centre you will find the digital curriculum-independent NT2 level tests. These are also called TANG tests. They provide a reliable indication of the language level of your students for the skills reading, listening, writing and speaking. They are administered at level A1, A2 and B1 and are therefore linked to the CEFR levels. The tests are administered and assessed in the Language Test Centre.
The Language Test Center is for language schools, institutions and teachers who want to administer reliable and validated tests to determine the level of the student.
An account, an annual license for a teacher or institution and credits per purchase.
You can find these licenses and credits here in our webshop.
In order to purchase products for the Language Test Center, a business account with Boom (NT2) is required.
Read more about creating a business account here.
This protocol contains everything you need to start taking tests at the Language Test Center.
If you have any questions about setting up your institution or taking tests, please contact our customer service.
Gaat je onze toetsen afnemen in het Taaltestcentrum? Geef op tijd de geplande toetsafnames door aan onze klantenservice via Vergeet niet vooraf dit protocol door te nemen.