The Comparative Public Law Treatise is a comprehensive body of publications comprising more than 50 volumes that address the most relevant topics within comparative public law (history and method of legal comparison, forms of state from a historical perspective, public law doctrine and its history, forms of state and forms of government: theory and comparison, national legal systems, law and state in the 20th century, sources of law, rights in comparative law, public administration, the judiciary and constitutional justice). The treatise aims to identify and present comparative knowledge in the area of public law in an original fashion, whilst also developing new interpretative guidelines.
Each volume, written by reputable scholars, offers a specialized analysis that will be useful to legal scholars, students and also general readers. Moreover, the publication of each volume in three languages (English, Italian and Spanish) is not only the most innovative aspect of the work but also ensures widespread circulation amongst the international academic community.
Series editor: Giuseppe Franco Ferrari.